Saturday, September 20, 2008
They're HERRREEEEE!!!!
Zariah was born at 1:29a weighed 5lbs 8oz and 17 3/4 inches and Zahirah 5lbs 80z and 18inches, the doctor advised that the babies are identical.
Zariah was born vaginally, Zahirah was breach and had to be born via c-section, both babies and mom are doing fine.
More information and PICS to come.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Di Di twins
Well, of course the Summer vacation was amongst us and it was spend time with the kids time of course.
Since we've last spoken, the kids went down to Miami for the summer, by the time Elijah and Micah got back home they were dark as me and oh so big.
During that period I got a new employer, a job I love and pays considerably more, how often do people have a job they 'love' and it pays well.
I am back to days so my body has had to readjust to damn near 2 1/2 years of working the dead man's shift, that's 3rd shift for the uninformed.
In the interim the two jobs I'd have to say overlapped, well, were supposed to but me being the poster child for Murphy's Law, everything that could go wrong did.
The job I held at IBM for the past 15 months I was fired from after I had already given my resignation letter. I felt like Craig from Friday.
But to make a long story short I had given my 2 weeks, which is NOT necessary but it's recommended, the 2 week notice overlapped the time I was to start for my NEW employer which would have had me working 80hours for ONE week with NO rest in between.
Well basically on the way home from the new gig, I blew a tire which caused damage to my ride, had to wait on the side of the road for assistance, drive home, get wished, eat and fell asleep.
By the time I woke up it was 1/4 4am the next morning. I according to my vendor Manager was a no call no show and they ''let me go''... Oh well.
I had 3 blowouts/flat tires in a weeks time and of course I picked up the kids from Miami and Elijah started 3rd grade, a lot huh?
I'm IN LOVE with this job everyone, but the aforementioned events are what kept me from keeping you ladies and gents abreast of what has taken place in my life since the last time I blogged.
Back to the twins!
During this period away, as previously stated we confirmed both babies are girls, YAAAAAAY, Daddies Little Girls!!!!
I got that Mossberg 30/30 Shotgun on order. TRUST ME!!!
Twin B was developing faster than Twin A and the medical staff continued to monitor the growth of the babies to ensure there was not a more than 20% difference between the babies, that would have been dangerous for Twin A and would have lessened her chances of survival.
Good News!!!
Twin A has caught up to her sister, well somewhat, there is only a 9% difference between the 2 and at last measure, Twin A was 3.9lbs and Twin B was just over 4lbs, Poor Mommy, and this was over 2 weeks ago.
The Drs however state that the twins unlike singleton babies, tend to slow down in their weight gain and growth in the belly, but still they want to monitor mommy, because there is NO WAY, mommy can carry 2 babies over 5lbs a piece.
As of today, Aug 28th 2008, we are officially 32 weeks pregnant. Time is winding down.
What does that mean in the world of multiples? We are of course OFFICIALLY into our 9th month however unlike singleton babies who can go full term up to 40 weeks safely, twin babies can be born anywhere from 32 to 36 weeks, so our babies should be here SHORTLY.
The Doctors office advised us that Twins are NORMALLY born anywhere from 34 to 36 weeks, but our particular office saw 2 or was that 3 babies recently go to 37 weeks.
Either way, the girls will be here SOON!
Now lets talk about the title briefly, Di/Di Twins.
One of my 1st blogs I mentioned the different ways Twins can develop, via one or 2 eggs and that the gestation period is crucial to how twins develop.
The twins can share a sac and placenta, VERY DANGEROUS. The babies can share a sac with SEPARATE placentas, still somewhat dangerous, they can have separate sacs and the same placenta and separate sacs and separate placentas.
Our babies are the latter, which makes them DI/DI twins, does this mean they will be fraternal twins? More than likely, but we are NOT sure until they are actually born you can STILL have identical from this type of twin forming.
Some information on Di/Di Twins:
DI/ DI means 2 placentas and 2 sacs. As safe as a twin pregnancy can be. In 20-30% of cases DI/DI twins are identical. The rest of the time they are fraternal.
Identical Twins
With identical twins, one egg (zygote) from the mother is fertilized by one sperm from the father, and then very early in development the embryo splits and two fetuses grow.
If the zygote splits very early (in the first 2 days after fertilization) they may develop separate placentas (chorion) and separate sacs (amnion). These are called dichorionic, diamniotic (or 'di/di') twins. While all fraternal twins are 'di/di', this occurs 20 - 30% of the time in identical twins.
Most of the time in identical twins the zygote will split after 2 days, resulting in a shared placenta, but two separate sacs. These are called monochorionic, diamniotic ('mono/di') twins.These twins are very similar genetically, and share a single afterbirth.
Very occasionally, twins will also share the same sac (fluid cavity). In about 1% of identical twins the splitting occurs late enough to result in both a shared placenta and a shared sac. These are called monochorionic, monoamniotic ('mono/mono') twins.
Finally, the zygote may split extremely late, resulting in conjoined twins.
If I did not mention before, we have decided to name our little angels Zariah and Zahirah.
Keep us all in your prayers and more news soon
Blessings All.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
6/11/08 - 6/12/08 Update on the Horton Twins
Well @ least we know one of them is, lol.
True to the Horton name, Twin B is the stubborn one for all intents and purposes, all things point to Twin B being a girl but we don't know for sure because during the sonogram, he/she would not cooperate with the nurse and open his/her legs so we could take a peek, but we are certain that Twin A IS a girl.
The twins are enjoying their time in mommy's belly, the BEST news however is that they are NOT sharing the same amniotic sac which minimizes the chance for entanglement between their cords. Twin A is at 13 ounces and Twin B is a hefty 16ounces (1lb), poor mommy is carrying around 2lbs worth of baby.
We saw the babies playing with each other, head to head, we saw the faces, baby A seemed to be the most active, rubbing her eyes and hamming it up for the camera, so to speak, lol!
We saw and heard both hearts beat.
Elijah, the oldest, seemed somewhat disappointed with the news, I think he wanted 2 more younger brothers. Go figure, this is the same child that wanted NOTHING to do with Micah when Micah was born, lol.
Elijah did indicate he wanted at least a boy and a girl if not 2 more boys, I had to remind him the BEST NEWS, is that both of his soon to be younger siblings are healthy.
Micah was just dumbfounded to see, the moving entities laying in mommy's belly.
Back to the twins, there were no signs of blindness that could be gleaned from the sonogram, nor any signs of cleft lip syndrome, so on and so forth, as previously stated, the membrane separating the twins was visible.
There is still uncertainty as to whether or not these will be identical twins, because as stated we could NOT tell if Twin B was a boy or a girl.
Thanks for taking the time to come by and check up on The Horton family twins. More to come in the upcoming weeks and months, for example the NAMING procedure, leading up to the birth of my little angels to be.
Oh and by the way, take the time to check the advertisements, in the left hand corner of the screen.
Peace all!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
mono amniotic twins
Well everyone,
What I neglected to mention in my introductory blog was that there is a possibility that I may be having IDENTICAL twins.
For those not in the know, Identical twins are twins that share the same zygote, the sperm hits the egg and it splits into 2 and VIOLA', identical twins.
However in some rare cases with identical twins, you have what is known as mono amniotic twins, here's some informatioin on these types of twins.:
Twins are either mono-zygotic or di-zygotic. In your case, mono-zygotic, a single fertilized ovum splits into two distinct individuals. These babies will be "identical
The incidence of this type of twinning is approximately four per 1,000 births. Unlike the fraternal type of twinning (di-zygotic), this type does not seem to vary depending on mother's age or how many children she has.
Some twins share the same amniotic sac and the same placenta (monochorionic and monoamniotic -- 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 60,000 pregnancies) -- and because of this, cord entanglement and compression become a very high risk. This can lead to an interruption in the blood flow to one or both babies where they may not receive enough nutrients or oxygen.
When there is no membrane between the babies -- a mono amniotic twin pregnancy -- there is a very high risk of cord entanglement and also twin to twin tranfusion syndrome. This represents a very high risk pregnancy and intensive monitoring and testing of the babies is required. At times, it is safer to deliver such babies early, some as early as they are viable (24 to 28 weeks). A good NICU is essential when considering the birth. 34 weeks is often considered "full term" for mono amniotic twins because of the cord risks outweigh the prematurity risks.
I honestly do not believe that we do have this type of pregnancy, for the mere rarity of it all, but you never know so I ask that everyone keep us and the babies in your prayers that everything shows up fine in the next sonogram and that if God sees it fit for us to have the mono amniotic pregnancy, the babies make it out healthy.
Blessings all!Friday, May 23, 2008
It's TWINS!!!
God saw it fit to bless my family with twins, don't know the sex yet.
This blog will be created in the efforts to track the progress of the future Horton twins and keep friends and family posted on how everything is going.
More will be coming with regards to the sex of the babies and how Mom and the twins are doing and how older brothers Elijah and Micah are adjusting to a future with twin siblings on the way.