Sunday, May 25, 2008

mono amniotic twins

Well everyone,

What I neglected to mention in my introductory blog was that there is a possibility that I may be having IDENTICAL twins.

For those not in the know, Identical twins are twins that share the same zygote, the sperm hits the egg and it splits into 2 and VIOLA', identical twins.

However in some rare cases with identical twins, you have what is known as mono amniotic twins, here's some informatioin on these types of twins.:

Twins are either mono-zygotic or di-zygotic. In your case, mono-zygotic, a single fertilized ovum splits into two distinct individuals. These babies will be "identical twins" -- of same sex and genetically identical.

The incidence of this type of twinning is approximately four per 1,000 births. Unlike the fraternal type of twinning (di-zygotic), this type does not seem to vary depending on mother's age or how many children she has.

Some twins share the same amniotic sac and the same placenta (monochorionic and monoamniotic -- 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 60,000 pregnancies) -- and because of this, cord entanglement and compression become a very high risk. This can lead to an interruption in the blood flow to one or both babies where they may not receive enough nutrients or oxygen.

When there is no membrane between the babies -- a mono amniotic twin pregnancy -- there is a very high risk of cord entanglement and also twin to twin tranfusion syndrome. This represents a very high risk pregnancy and intensive monitoring and testing of the babies is required. At times, it is safer to deliver such babies early, some as early as they are viable (24 to 28 weeks). A good NICU is essential when considering the birth. 34 weeks is often considered "full term" for mono amniotic twins because of the cord risks outweigh the prematurity risks.

I honestly do not believe that we do have this type of pregnancy, for the mere rarity of it all, but you never know so I ask that everyone keep us and the babies in your prayers that everything shows up fine in the next sonogram and that if God sees it fit for us to have the mono amniotic pregnancy, the babies make it out healthy.

Blessings all!


Anonymous said...

Rich, I am so happy for you and your family and I will keep not only the baby's but you, Marcia and the boys in prayer also. God blessed your family for a reason, my friend. Love ya much!


Boogie said...

Babies are nothing short than a blessed miracle -- and now you have two more on the way! Many prayers & blessings to you and the family. Keep us posted on how things go!!
